
Terms and Conditions of use

We undertake to conduct ourselves and our business to the highest moral and ethical standards and we expect our users to do the same. These Terms and Conditions describe the way in which we conduct ourselves with you, and they govern the way in which you conduct yourself when using our service. If you don't wish to use this service in accordance with these Terms and Conditions please move on elsewhere - your use of this website constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

In using this service you commit to:

  • Submit only genuine business listings;

  • Add and Claim only business listings for your business(es) or for businesses where you are an authorized representative;

  • Not upload images, videos, text or any other content that might be considered offensive to other users or immoral;

  • Make updates and additions that you know to be accurate, legal, decent and current - you will not make updates that present false, inaccurate, obscene or misleading information;

  • Take a deep breath and count (slowly) to ten before writing a negative review about any business. If you must write a negative review, keep it objective and fair, and never get personal. Give any business the opportunity to resolve any issue offline before giving a negative review. If you've had a bad experience with a business and they subsequently make amends, be generous in your review of them - no-one gets it right 100% of the time, but when they fix something that's broken they truly deserve credit;

  • Not be a vandal, and don’t drop litter. If you spot vandalism or spam take a moment to clear it up by making a correction, or if necessary reporting it;

  • Be polite.

In providing this service we commit to:

  • Always strive to provide a great service, and to be open and honest with you;

  • Uphold our promises and commitments to you;

  • Listen to your feedback.

Registered Users

You don't need to register with Brownbook to use the basic service, but for faster updates and more advanced features you do. When you register with us you provide us with certain data as requested through the self-service web UI for the provision of the Service, and you authorize us to contact you from time to time to provide you with updates and news about the service and special offers that we think may interest you. We will not spam you. You also authorize us to provide your data to third parties who may also use it to market related products and services to you.


The Service

The Service is a freely available Global Business Listing Database and business directory. It's built and maintained by everyone, for everyone, and it's operated on a platform produced and owned by Brownbook Limited.

No warranties

The Service is provided as seen, without any warranties, specific or implied. Brownbook Limited, and its associated companies, cannot guarantee, and can take no responsibility for performance of the platform or the accuracy of any listings. If you see inaccuracies you may use our tools to make any corrections.

Obscene or illegal content

Brownbook Limited reserves the right to remove any obscene, illegal, or otherwise offensive content, but we do not vet nor do we exercise any editorial control in any way over any submitted content.

Withdrawal of Service

Brownbook Limited reserves the right to withdraw the Service at any time from any or all users.

Provision of paid services and no refunds

Brownbook Limited's responsibilities in relation to paid-for services are fulfilled in total at the moment of payment; Brownbook Limited is a self-service platform and does not provide subsequent refunds on paid services.

Transfer of claims and disputes

Where a business listing claim is transferred to another member following a claim dispute, the remaining period of the claim, any associated paid-for services, and any sums paid to Brownbook Limited are forfeited in favor of the new claimant. In short, you should not falsely claim a business listing because if it is later transferred to its rightful claimant you will not be entitled to any refund and they will inherit the remainder of the claim period and any associated promotions.

Ownership of data and your privacy

Business listings are compiled from a combination of publically available business listing data and user generated data. Brand names and trademarks that feature in business listings are used only in the context of correctly identifying those brand names, trademarks or owners to which they relate. They are owned by their respective owners and Brownbook Limited claims no association with any of them. All data and information present and entered into the Service becomes and remains the property of Brownbook Limited.

Use of this website

You specifically may not use this website:

  • In any automated or robot-driven manner whatsoever except through the official Brownbook API with an authorized API key issued by Brownbook, under a commercial agreement with Brownbook Limited. Brownbook Limited reserves the right to grant explicit exceptions to this clause, and where it does so it shall issue the excepted organization with a written notice of such;

  • To create, update, verify, or amend any marketing or prospecting databases, records, mailing lists, or any other such related assets;

  • To submit more than 5 (five) business listings for any commercial gain whatsoever, except through the official Brownbook API with an authorized API key issued by Brownbook, under a commercial agreement with Brownbook Limited. This applies specifically to, but not limited to, the provision of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) or any other form of web or search optimisation services that you may provide in any form for the benefit of any business or organization other than your own;

  • For any activity that may breach GDPR or other equivalent regulations in other regions (including but not limited to CCPA, PIPEDA, APPI, CDPA). This includes the extraction, copying, scraping, storing or otherwise using outside of the Service any data from the Service in any way, whether by human or automated process; you have neither the explicit consent from those that the data represents nor a legitimate interest in doing so. Brownbook Limited will not hesitate to initiate a formal complaint under applicable regulations against any party transgressing these regulations;

  • To harm, threaten, abuse or harass any person, or in a way that invades another's privacy;

  • For any purpose that in our opinion is unacceptable to Brownbook Limited;

  • For any unlawful purpose; business listing policy

The website lists public domain information about businesses, including but not limited to business names, contact details, and the nature of their business. This information can be created and updated by users including, and in some cases limited to, business owners. The website does not publish information that is owned by the businesses we list, with the exception of trademarks that form part of business names which are used in the correct context of the trademark to refer to the business that owns the trademark. If you believe that private information about your business has been published without proper authorization please see the Business Listing Policy which explains our listing policy and provides a process for notifying us of breaches of the policy. reviews policy

The website allows users to leave reviews about the service provided by any business that is listed. Brownbook Limited does not prevent users from leaving negative reviews, nor does it conduct any editorial review of reviews save for an automated profanity filter. If you have reason to object to any review please see the Reviews Policy which explains our policy with regard to negative reviews, provides a process for notifying us, and the process by which we will deal with any notifications.

Personal Data Protection

Brownbook Limited observes the GDPR regulations as follows:

  • Business and user data is used, processed, stored and transferred as described in these Terms and Conditions of Use;

  • Registered users and business owners are able to access any personal data that the Service may hold about them through our self-service web UI;

  • When you sign up for the service as a user and when you add business details you are explicitly giving your consent for Brownbook Limited to use all data that you enter as described in these Terms and Conditions of Use;

  • Should you wish to transfer that data to another service you may at any time make a copy of the data from your business details page and from your user profile page using the self service web UI provided;

  • If you wish for your business listing or your user profile to be removed you may contact Brownbook Limited and we will remove the data;

  • If you object to the use of any data as described in these Terms and Conditions of Use you may contact Brownbook Limited and we will remove the data and cease any use of the data by Brownbook Limited;

  • If you object to any of the uses of the data as described in these Terms and Conditions of Use, we regret that Brownbook Limited is unable to provide you with the Service, and so we will upon your agreement remove the data;

  • In the event of a data breach that includes any of your personal data Brownbook Limited will notify you within 72 hours of the discovery of the breach;

  • Where any personal data requires rectification, Brownbook Limited provides you with the self-service web UI tools to make such updates, completions, or corrections to the data;

Free trials

From time to time may offer free trials of various features either of our own or from partners. Free trials are provided on a complimentary and as-is basis and there are no obligations, either on you to take up, or on us to offer a full version of the product used under a free trial.

Alterations and updates to these terms

These terms are subject to change over time; updates will be posted here.

Last Updated: August 24, 2022